Name of Tester: Pooping Gandalf Name of Testee: haxso
Deck of Tester: Battlin' Boxer Deck of Testee: Nordic
Number of cards in deck: 2/3
Extra deck: 3/3
Deck Originality: 7/10
Deck Build: 6/10
Deck Consistent: 10/10
Deck Siding: 10/10
Attitude: 5/6
Responses: 7/8
Card Usage: 10/10
Concentration: 10/10
Ruling Knowledge: 10/10
Controls of duel: 3/10
Match Results: 0/8 (4 for win)
Final Results: 83 - Chaos Sorcerer
Congratulations and welcome!
Chaos Infernity 0-69
Chaos Magician 70-79
Chaos Sorcerer 80-89
Chaos Dragon 90-99
Lord of Chaos 100-108